The BNA handed out their Leadership Awards on June 12th at the 6th floor of Town Hall.
The Awardees:
Joslin Ham Murphy and Richard Murphy
Faith Michaels
Fran Perler
William Smith
Seamus Boshel
The BNA…Keeping Neighborhood Issues in the Forefront
Want to start a neighborhood association?
Joining the BNA ensures your neighborhood has a strong voice. The Brookline Neighborhood Alliance is the umbrella organization for Brookline's numerous neighborhood associations. We keep neighborhood issues on the forefront. Learn more about starting a neighborhood association.
BNA Activities
Neighborhood Leadership Awards
BNA Leadership Awards recognize neighborhood activists who have worked hard on behalf of a neighborhood issue.
Candidates Nights
The BNA hosts debates and informational sessions in partnership with the League of Women Voters and the Town Meeting Members Association.
Town Meeting Warrant Article Reviews
The BNA hosts debates and informational sessions about warrant articles of importance to Brookline’s neighborhoods.
Special Community Events
The BNA hosts special events bringing residents together with various town leaders and staff.
Annual Meeting
The BNA hosts its Annual Meeting featuring a special guest speaker and the Neighborhood Leadership Awards.
Keeping Neighborhoods Informed
The BNA keeps neighborhood issues in the forefront. The BNA informs the community through our neighborhood network.