Leadership Awards
BNA Leadership Awards recognize neighborhood activists who have worked hard on behalf of a neighborhood issue. The award was meant to recognize people who may or may not have official titles, but who have done this important neighborhood work, perhaps behind the scenes. In 2005, the BNA board expanded the award to people who made contributions to improve or beautify the neighborhoods

![IMG_5337_4X6h[1] Greer & Jean.jpg](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/6165ba6a60ea8549fb29e982/d8b926d5-608c-462e-90d6-7f2b15506683/IMG_5337_4X6h%5B1%5D+Greer+%26+Jean.jpg)

Past Leadership Award Recipients:
League of Women Voters/Dottie Blom for starting the BNA
Isabella Callanan, Friends of the Muddy River
Diana Spiegel, Campaign to Preserve St. Aidan’s
Adam Kahn, Chestnut Hill Village Associates
Ponnie Katz, Coolidge Corner South Side
High Street Hill Association for Leverett Pond anniversary
Merelice, White Place Neighborhood Association
Joyce Zak, South Brookline Neighborhood Association
Erin Chute Gallentine, Brookline Parks and Open Space Division
Graffam McKay Neighborhood
Myra Trachtenberg, Coolidge Corner South Side
Carla and Richard Benka
Linda Olson Pehlke, author
Friends of Hall’s Pond
Gill Fishman, Fisher Hill Association
Dennis De Witt
Bernice Wilner, Sheafe, Holly, Heath Neighborhood Association
Greer Hardwicke, Town Preservation Commission Staff
The Coolidge Corner District Planning Council, Co-Chair Arlene Mattison
Joni Burstein, South Brookline Neighborhood Association
Don Weitzman, Fisher Hill Association
Hugh Mattison, High Street Hill Neighborhood Association
Peggy Ueda, Aspinwall Hill Neighborhood Association
Janice Kahn, Chestnut Hill Village Association
Kathryn Kirshner and Dan Saltzman, White Place Neighborhood Association
Nancy Heller and Eunice White, North Brookline Neighborhood Association
Alisa Jonas and Bill Pu, South Brookline Neighborhood Association
Rob Daves, High Street Hill Neighborhood Association
John Bassett, Emerson Garden Neighborhood Association
David Leschinsky, Eureka! Puzzles
South Brookline Senior Social
Lawrence Local Historic District
Ethel Weiss, Irving’s Toy and Card Shop
Kara Brewton, Director of Economic Development, Town of Brookline
Evelyn Roll, North Brookline Neighborhood Association
Chestnut Hill Village Association, Brookline’s oldest Neighborhood Association, incorporated in 1938
David Kleiler & Harold Brown, Coolidge Corner Theatre
Jean Stringham
Sean Lynn-Jones
The Hidden Brookline Committee
Davis Path Special District Zoning Study Committee
Roger Blood
Edward D. McClure
Jessica Stokes
Andrew Pappastergion
Phil Schroeder
Dana Brigham
Harry Friedman
Dean Coady
Jules Milner-Brage
Peter Ditto
2020 through 2023: No Awards Presented due to Pandemic
Joslin Ham Murphy and Richard Murphy
Faith Michaels
Fran Perler
William Smith
Seamus Boshel